Thursday, January 21, 2010


When I decided to start a blog six months ago, I did it because I was selfish. I wanted to be big and have a spotlight on me. I figured getting a blog and writing would be easy. Day 1: Start a blog, Day 2: 1000's of people will want to read you musings. It was a bit idealistic but I never realized how tough it would be to write sometimes. What makes it all the more difficult is that the theme is my life. If there was a more consistent theme such as donut of the day, I would not have to work so hard. I could just say, "long-John" or "double chocolate glazed" and I would be set for the day.

Finding things to talk about in my life is hard. One of the big mistakes I made when starting this is I told friends and family about it. Now that they occasionally check it, I feel like I cannot post some of my more personal feelings. I do not mind a group of total strangers thinking I am a little iced tea short of an Arnold Palmer but not people I converse with regularly. My few pieces advice for those out there who are thinking of starting a blog.

1. Pick a theme. Really any theme works. Then on the days you are lazy you do not have to try so hard.

2. Keep it as secretive as possible. That way your family and friends will not figure out that you are the weirdo with the blog dedicated to Happy Meal toys

3. If you are going to make it about yourself pick a simple formula, like this person here has done. Sorry I am really into this blog, so concise and simple

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