Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome to Snoozeville the Grammy's are on

I don't know about you but I am going to be watching the best thing on TV tonight, the X-Games. I think I would rather stab myself in the hand than have to chose between the Pro Bowl and the Grammys. Both are a lame excuse for self congratulations.

My biggest qualm with the Grammys is that I do not listen to the style of music they reward. Truth be told, this is not the award show's fault. I simply think it is a major flaw that as an artist you have to be on a major label to be rewarded. To me, it is as if the Grammys are saying that if you are not on a major label than you do not matter. Case and point Death Cab for Cutie. They had put out 4 albums with Barsuk Records before signing with Atlantic. Included in those 4 is Transatlanticism which many consider their best. In their 4 fantastic albums with Barsuk, they received zero Grammy nominations. Now they are on Atlantic and have received nominations for the 2 lps and 1 ep they have released. What a joke! The Grammy formula seems to be let's take the most popular artists and see what they have released. Good or bad we will nominate them for Grammys. There is no creativity or surprises when it comes to the Grammys. Pick out the same 10 artists every year add one or two and nominate them.

Until the Grammys open up their judging process, I will do what I do every year. I will watch something more meaningful.

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