Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dog Names

So my wife and I have been discussing getting a dog. I am hoping something changes in my schedule so that I can go home during lunch to walk the dog. The time thing is the only thing that is really holding us back. When I say us, it is more me than her. I just cannot help but feel guilty about leaving a dog at home for 8-10 hours alone. Not to say that my wife is okay with this but she gets caught up in the cuddly factor of dogs.

Anyways, I am such a nerd that I have already started compiling a list of dog names. I know I have to wait to see what the dog looks like before picking a name but I figured having a list helps. I do not want to end up with the misfortune of having a dog named Fluffy or Pumpkin. I am not much or a guys guy but there is nothing more emasculating than having to be at the park and yell out here Tinkerbell. That is why I am going to be prepared. Suggestions welcome?

PS - The Dog pic is from the Maxfund Animal Shelter

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