Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Avatar: A Blockbusters Take on History

I saw Avatar on the IMAX last night. I will spare you a description of the movie. If you do not know the plot and storyline yet, you are out of luck. I am not going to go into that here. As for the visuals, they are incredible. I cannot say enough about the visual elements.

What I find to be the biggest disappointment is that the Oscar selection committee let me down. Avatar is nowhere near picture of the year good. The storyline is hackneyed and the acting leaves a little more to be desired. I also find it troubling that James Cameron has essentially tried to undue the wrongs that were done to the Native Americans by producing a blockbuster. It is silly to think that rooting for a group of blue savages can change history. Let me guess, does the sequel involve the US using brut-force to impose its will upon the blue people but then lets them open casinos and names its sports teams after them to show that everything is all good. I do not blame Cameron for making this film. I blame the Oscars for putting it on a pedestal.

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