Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gomez – New Tide Review

Have you ever been in the situation where you go to the music store for a particular album and you end up buying something you never intended? It seems like a foolish question, everyone has been there right? I have been in this situation countless times, I am looking for something and I find that one of my favorite artists has new material out as well. What makes my purchase of New Tide by Gomez more remarkable is that I did not know anything about the band before I walked into the store. The album drew me in while I was listening to something else far less inspiring. I realized I needed to buy the album when I found myself turning down what I was previewing to hear what was being played over the store speakers.

New Tide is a special album. It is one of those that has grown on me with every listen. Every time I pick up something new. Gomez sound on this album is folk rock. The lyrics are punchy and smart to the point where I hear myself inadvertently mumbling them. What really makes this a fantastic album is the subtlety of the sound. Do not get me wrong there is a lot going on here but it does not hit the listener over the head and sound overproduced. The different instruments and sounds meld together to create one of the best albums I have heard this year.

Notable Tracks: Mix, Win Park Slope & Airstream Driver

Gomez plays at the Fox Theatre in Boulder on August 4th

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