Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jeans Anyone?

I think I am the proud new owner of a pair of tapered jeans. Not the way I wanted to start this entry but I think I accidentally bought jeans that cut off the circulation in my ankles. Lately, I have been on a quest to be as frugal as possible when it comes to buying clothing. Jeans are jeans, shirts are shirts, right. Well, my latest mission was to find jeans for around 15 dollars. I refuse to pay almost double when they are just a form of pants. I was delighted to find a deal on a pair for 14.

I have been fooled before by off brand clothing. About a year ago, I bought a pair of tapered jeans because I failed to read the label and did not understand that Kohl's and The Gap have two completely different demographics. Those went straight to Goodwill. There are way too many options when it comes to jeans. I get that they can all fit differently but I do not need an explanation of the wash style. I have eyes, I can tell if they are lighter or darker. I do not know anyone who goes jean shopping for a pair of antique colored ones. Honestly, all of the options makes my head spin. I just want a pair that are reasonable priced and do not make me look 40. My demands are pretty reasonable. I have given up trying to be hip or cool a long time ago.

I like the color of my new jeans, it is just when I sit in a chair I feel like I have a pair of flood pants on. My exposed ankles are telling me it's breeze today. The thing that really pisses me off is that I went to a whole bunch of stores and the label clearly started "Straight Leg." A friend told me that I need to be looking for something that says "Straight leg throughout." That is real obvious. Clothing companies are just as bad as food companies when it comes to labeling. Why are they trying to sell me jeans that I have to tie a sweater around my waist and wear a golf shirt with.

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